Welcome to the CommUnity Project
CommUnity aims to strengthen social cohesion and enhance youth engagement through cultural and arts activities across Europe.
Book CommUnity 📚
On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which marks the anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau by the Soviet troops on the 27th of January 1945, Book CommUnity pays tribute to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust, by reading Viktor Frankl masterpiece, Man’s search for meaning.
Join us! 👉
The power of meaning: Finding meaning in turbulent times.
The CommUnity Summer Days Festival was a blast! ⚡️ Here’s 👇 a very short video summary of a very summery and very funny two days! ☀️
Our campaigns 🚀

Cine CommUnity
Cine CommUnity proposes movie sessions followed by debates in collaboration with different High-schools, Universities and youth centers from 7 different EU countries.

Youth Creative CommUnity
Youth Creative CommUnity aims to engage with young people through the lens of arts and creativity, and different Youth Clubs and art events are being established.

Women CommUnity
Women’s CommUnity organises debates, and intercultural activities with women and mothers from different cultural backgrounds, focusing on sharing useful information with women and mothers.
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This project is co-funded by the ISFP programme of the European Union.
The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains..